Español II - six weeks at a glance
In the first six weeks we will begin with a review of material from Spanish I.  Then we will move on to Chapter 1A ¿Qué haces en la escuela?  In this part of the chapter we will be able to listen and read about classroom rules, talk and write about classroom activities and schoolwork, and exchange information about what you do in class.  Then we will move on to Chapter 1B ¿Qué haces después de las clases?  In this part of the chapter we will listen and read about students' after-school activities, talk and write about you extracurricular activities, and exchange information about what you do after school.  In our culture activity we will look at the story of El Cid, Rodrigo Diaz de Bivar.  We will look at the historical record and then look at the legend he became.  We will read Don Quixote in chapter summaries and discuss the author Cervantes.

In the second six weeks we will work in chapter 2.  Grammar points will include reflexive verbs, ser y estar, possessive adjectives, the preterit tense, and demonstrative adjectives.  We have vocabulary for both portions of the chapter List 2A and 2B.   Cultural activities include Día de los muertos.  I will bring in pan de muerto for the students to try.  I will show them the ofrendas, we will make calavera masks, and we will watch the movie "The book of Life."  We will also read and discuss the creation stories of the Maya, Aztec, and Incas.  

In the third six weeks we will be working in chapter 3.  Grammar points will include: continuation of the preterit tense, Direct object pronouns, irregular tú commands, and present progressive.  We will again have vocabulary with lists 3A and 3B.  We will discuss La Llorona and El Cucuy.

In the fourth six weeks we will be working in chapters 4 and 5.  We will have four vocabulary lists to learn.  Topics to be covered are: Imperfect Tense; Project about when I was little; read and discuss the fable El grillo y el jaguar; Preterit vs. Imperfect tenses; tener statements;   Present Progressive; and the imperfect progressive.